Friday, March 13, 2009

New Contributors

I'd like to take a moment and announce the arrival of two new contributors, and just let me say that I am thrilled by their involvement simply because I think that any platform that inspires and supports community should be authored by a collective of people who have unique and complementary perspectives.

Thor Clark is a friend and colleague who is a search expert, and cut his teeth for a number of years in paid inclusion at Yahoo! before venturing out on his own. His latest effort - GO Platforms - seeks to bring a unique and highly effective direct response offering to search. Thor and I (sounds like a bavarian tribe, doesn't it?) are also teaming up on two new open source utilities...stay tuned.

The other guy (who still needs to actually register as an author - eh hem) is Ezra Cooperstein, a content expert who spent his formative years at CurrentTV and is now leading the innovations practice at Initiative (2008 Media Agency of the Year) here in Los Angeles.

If anyone else out there who just so happens to read and like this blog wants to join in, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.



Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the upcoming expansion of the site. Looking forward to what you two have to share.

Gunther Sonnenfeld said...

Thank you, Paul - look forward to future collaborations!