On technology...
You can't be everything to everyone. But you can be everywhere at all times. Well, at least in theory.
You can mash up tools, but you're really mashing up people, as well as the ideas they represent.
Remember that people relate to people, not pixels.
Who do you think you're having a conversation with?
On average, 3.5 billion WOM (Word of Mouth) conversations occur daily in the U.S. Offline WOM accounts for 92% of these (75% face-to-face; 17% by phone); email, IM/text messaging and chatrooms/blogs account for a combined 7% (Keller Fay Group, June 2008)
On production...
Everything is "user generated", including the ideas behind your TV spot or print ad. Where do you think you got the idea in the first place?
The question remains as to whether or not you recognize that collaboration. "Traditional" and "non-traditional" are just descriptors to delineate actions, not experiences.
Your experience is your own and you can share it in anyway and with anyone you'd like.
Approximately 60% of Americans use social media, and an overwhelming majority of these (93%) say companies should have a social media presence, while 85% of social media users believe these companies should not only be present but should interact with consumers using these same channels. Among social media users, 59% interact with companies on social media websites and one in four interacts more than once per week. Some 56% of social media users feel both a stronger connection with and are better served by companies when they can interact with them in a social media environment. (Cone, September 2008)
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